Jan 30, 2017


CikMaiBee and Gunung Keriang (Mount Keriang) is a 250 million year old lump of mainly limestone rock which is said to be in the shape of an elephant and reaches a height of 218 meters. It is located about 8 km north-west of Alor Setar close to the Kedah Paddy Museum. It is geologically unique and ten different rocks are found here including attractive calcite crystals which are much sought after by collectors and fung-shui believers. 3lalatphotography.

Jam 7.33am, pagi Ahad penulis sudah berlarian ke Jalan Gunung Keriang yang agak jauh dari kota mencari sarapan. Gara-gara mengikut entri blogger pernah mencuba sarapan sedap disini. Penulis tiba di restoran Roti Doll Mee Shiam yang popular itu walaupun indah khabar dari rupa. Rupa-rupanya hanyalah kedai mamak yang biasa-biasa. Layan sahajalah, yang penting isteri penulis tidak meroyan.

Jam 9.30am, sudah mengambil anak lanang di Kolej Mara Kuala Nerang.

Jam 10.40am, tiba dan melawat Muzium Padi. Kedai cenderamata yang baru ditukar pengurusan tidak menjual poskad. "Kami jual kraftangan je wak," kata abam tuan punya kedai itu.

Jam 12.51pm, tiba dan melawat Muzium Negeri. Tiada kedai cenderamata, dan poskad tidak dijual disini.

Jam 1.21pm, tiba di pusat beli belah Aman Central. Makan di restoran Sushi King sudah.

Jam 3.33pm, balik ke hotel bajet (Hijrah), lepak dan istirehat.

Jam 4.14pm, periksa keluar (check out) walaupun penulis bayar sehingga esoknya. Penulis terus ke pekan Kuala Nerang untuk menghantar anak lanang bergunting di belakang restoran KFC.

Jam 6.06pm, dari asrama kolej Kuala Nerang, penulis terus berlarian ke Lapangan Terbang Kepala Batas. Nasib baiklah juga ada kedi cenderahati disitu dan ada menjual poskad. Tapi bukanlah poskad negeri Kedah seperti yang penulis cari. "Lima keping empat hinggit wak," kata ahkak kaunter. Penulis beli 25 keping sudah.

Kemudian penulis terus pulang ke Bangi dimalam hari yang sibuk di lebuhraya.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

Sitting on the revolving platform. The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

Sengkuang calit, Muzium Padi food court.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

Paddy harvester machine, Jalan Kampung Hutan near Gunung Kerian.

Muzium Negeri Kedah.

Muzium Negeri Kedah.

Muzium Negeri Kedah.

Muzium Negeri Kedah.

Salmon steak set. Diambil dengan iPhone cap aiYam. Sushi King, Aman Central Shopping plaza.

Finally, I got the postcards from the Kedah airport, but no Kedah based though. Also known as the Alor Setar Airport, the Sultan Abdul Halim Airport serves Kedah and neighbouring states.

The postcards belong not to Kedah. Also known as the Alor Setar Airport, the Sultan Abdul Halim Airport serves Kedah and neighbouring states.

Jan 29, 2017


Pagi Sabtu semalam penulis telah berlarian sebelum subuh jam 5 pagi terus ke Alor Setar, Kedah. Tujuan utama hanyalah untuk menziarah anak lanang yang sedang belajar di Kuala Nerang.

Tiba di Alor Setar dan periksa masuk hotel bajet murahan (Hijrah Hotel) pun sudah jam 4.30 petang. Dua belas jam perjalanan, dengan setiap RnR dipenuhi ramai orangramai seperti ulat taik, tapi tidak mengapa, janji selamat tiba. Alhamdulillah.

Petang pula, bila penulis keluar dan hendak mencari tempat makan, penulis google juga dan dapati ada beberapa tempat makan yang sedap dan popular. Tapi bila penulis cadangkan, isteri penulis (yang itu) bilang anak lanang bocah cilik hendak makan piza. Aiyah. Penulis pada mulanya tidak setuju sebab hendak juga merasa makanan tempatan sedap di sini. Penulis beritahu, anak makan mengikut apa yang emak bapanya makan. Tapi isteri penulis tetap juga hendak makan piza, sambil sebelah kaki menguis-nguis tanah. Gitu. Weh, siapalah tidak sayang bini, tapi ada makcik kan.

Usai makan di restoran piza itu, penulis pun bercadang hendak memanjat Menara Alor Setar, mercu ibu negeri jelapang padi itu. Tapi isteri penulis pula lebih rela duduk didalam kereta Myvi baharu. "Penatlah kanda, malaslah," katanya.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Jan 28, 2017


On Jalan Masai Lama. The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

Tengahari tadi penulis sudah berlarian ke kedai Perodua Plentong itu. Urusan pengambilan kereta Perodua Myvi Advance 1.5 baharu kepunyaan isteri berjalan lancar.

Dipendekkan cerita, isteri penulis sudah memandu pulang kereta baharunya cikMaiBee dengan selamat dan gembira dengan hutang penuh didada. OTL.

Dan bila penulis pulang dari solat jumaat, penulis dapati pembalut plastik dalam kereta pun sudah dibuang oleh anak lanang bocah cilik itu.

Untuk baca entri sebelum ini tentang pengalaman membeli kereta Perodua Myvi Advance 1.5 Baharu, sila ketik di SINI. Dan cerita nak beli kereta pun perlukan surat masuk Islam, sila terajang di SANA.

Nota lalat. Selepas ini, penulis gelarkan kereta Perodua Myvi Advance 1.5 baharu ini sebagai cikMaiBee Blue. Boleh kan?

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Leo the cat trying to make friend to the new gal in the house. The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

The leather seats. The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

The cockpit. The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

The rear. The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

The front. The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

The headlamp. The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

The roadtax. The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

This engine will not be as cleaned after this. The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

The Perodua built-in GPS. The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

See the legs lah. The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

The interior head light. The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

The Perodua Myvi is a B-segment car produced by Malaysian manufacturer Perodua since 2005. Based on the Daihatsu Boon (also branded as the Daihatsu Sirion, Toyota Passo and Subaru Justy), the Myvi is the result of Perodua's collaboration with both Toyota and Daihatsu. The Perodua Myvi has been the best-selling car in Malaysia for 8 consecutive years, between 2006 and 2013 respectively.

Jan 27, 2017


My lunch with Green Chicken Rice, next to Petronas ILP Pasir Gudang, yesterday.

Salam pagi Jumaat kengkawan penulis semua-semua lah.

Semalam pagi penulis sudah memanggil (menelefon) jurujual kereta Perodua bertanya tentang bila kereta Myvi Advance 1.5 baharu yang isteri penulis (yang itu) tempah boleh diambil. Abam A (bukan nama sebenar) memberitahu, "kete isteri wak tinggal tunggu register JPJ je lagi, mungkin petang ni leh siap." Penulis memohon kalau boleh beliau tunggu sehingga jam 7 petang. Abam A kata tiada masalah.

Penulis tunggu lah juga kalau-kalau Abam A menelefon penulis sehingga jam 6 petang. Tetapi tiadalah panggilan juga. Dan isteri penulis (yang itu) pun sibuk dengan kerja dipejabatnya. Jadi bila Abam A panggil pada jam 6.33 petang semasa penulis dalam berlarian pulang ke gagang, penulis memberitahunya supaya penyerahan kereta dibuat esok pagi sahaja. Lagipun penulis tidak mahulah urusan dibuat terburu-buru. Beliau pun tidak kisah.

Cerita lalat lain. Hari ini (Jumaat 27 Jan 2017), penulis dan rakan-rakan sekerja bekerja memotong rumput seperti biasa ya. Walaupun syarikat padang (yard) tempat isteri penulis (yang itu) bercuti kerana esok raya cina, namun beliau masih juga gigih datang ke pejabat. "Harini dinda memey cuti ya, nak siapkan evaluasi KPI pekerja2 dinda kat pejabat nih," katanya yang menumpang cikputih penulis, "noon nantilah saja kita amek kete myvi dinda tu ya."

Nota lain lalat. Penulis sedang memikirkan nama poyo comel untuk kereta Myvi Advance 1.5 yang baharu itu. "CikMaiBee" macam cantik je macam comel je kan cik Shasha awek Legoland. ;p

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Jan 26, 2017


Untuk membaca entri terdahulu, sila terajang di Melayan Kerenah Birokrasi Kerajaan Negeri Part I dan Part II.

Selesai urusan SUK (Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri) bahagian perumahan Nusajaya, maka penulis kena berlarian ke pejabat Tanah dan Galian (PTG) Bangunan Dato' Mohamad Saleh Perang, Kota Iskandar pula. Walaupun jabatan kerajaan, namun bangunan bersebelahan dan urusan masing-masing. Maka berurusan selama sebulan lagi, bukankah tidak boleh dilakukan serentak? OTL.

Kelmarin, bila penulis serahkan dokumen di kaunter 14 untuk urusan pindah milik, masih ada saja dokumen yang tidak lengkap. "Kenapa borang ni pembeli tak sain lagi wak? SPA harta lain yakni rumah wak yg sekunk kena bagi sekali," kata ahkak K (bukan nama sebenar) di kaunter itu. "Kemudian, kami nak wak bawak 3 benda ni," sambil ahkak K berikan salinan dokumen lain yang diperlukan.

1. Surat dari perumahan rumah flat yang hendak dijual.
2. Resit cukai tanah terkini 2017 bagi rumah flat yang hendak dijual.
3. Resit cukai tanah 2016 untuk keseluruhan blok rumah flat yang hendak dijual.

Tengahari tadi, penulis berlarian lagi ke pejabat Tanah dan Galian Nusajaya itu bersama-sama pembeli dan dokumen-dokumen yang dikehendaki.

Dipendekkan cerita, kesemua dokumen yang diperlukan sudah penulis serahkan di kaunter 14 yang sama. "Wak kol nombor ni cakap dengan puan Suzi yang LAWA ni selepas sebulan untuk ambil surat kelulusan ya," kata ahkak K yang sama, sambil beliau melayan telefon bimbit Samsung yang dikepitkan dibahu. Kadang-kadang ahkak K juga menggunakan siku beliau untuk membelek dokumen-dokumen penulis diatas meja sambil sebelah tangan menaip seketul-seketul papan kekunci itu. "Wak bayar lima poh hinggit sudah," kata ahkak K dengan selambanya.

Sebelum meninggal dunia kaunter pejabat Tanah & Galian itu, sempatlah juga penulis mengambil dua biji telo limau mandarin yang sedap, LAWA dan manis itu (gambar diatas).

Nota lalat tajuk pula, penulis teringat lirik lagu Wali Band... Ada Gajah Di Balik Batu.

Tiap hari nanyain aku;
Sudah makan?
Sudah mandi?
Sudah tidur?
Sudah, sudah sudah sudah nanya melulu.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Jan 25, 2017


Pagi semalam penulis telah menghantar anak wedok tingkatan empat itu untuk membuat rayuan ke SM Teknik Johor Bahru. Bila penulis tiba diperkarangan sekolah, hujan renyai-renyai sahaja. Bila tiba dikaunter pejabat dan bertanya borang rayuan masuk sekolah, ahkak J kerani terkial-kial juga mencarinya. "Wak kena dapatkan pengesahan semua sijil dan dokumen ya, nanti dah siap leh datang sini lagi," kata ahkak J (bukan nama sebenar) yang tergesa-gesa hendak keluar dari pejabat. Tapi penulis masih samar dan bertanya ahkak J yang sudah membuka pintu pejabat untuk keluar. Mujurlah ahkak J kembali dan cuba terangkan pada penulis akan segala salinan dokumen termasuk salinan sijil haruslah mendapatkan pengesahan dari pihak sekolah anak wedok yang sekarang. Tiba-tiba abam kerani yang agak kanan (baca, senior) dalam kaunter itu menyampuk, "tak perlu pengesahan ni Wak, rayuan je kan?" Aiyah! Terperanjatlah juga penulis, tapi berasa lega sebab tidak perlu berlarian ke sekolah anak wedok dan kembali lagi semata-mata hendak memohon rayuan. "Tapi," kata abam kerani itu lagi, "asrama kami dah penoh. Kami boleh terima anak wedok wak ni, tapi kena berulanglah dari rumah." Itu masalah lain. Bayangkan kalau penulis mengikut kata ahkak J itu yang perlukan pengesahan dari pihak sekolah yang sangatlah jauh disana disana kemudian bila sudah dapat pengesahan dan kembali ke kaunter SM Teknik itu mendapat jawapan yang sama. Bengang kan?

Semalam tengahari pula penulis sudah menghantar isteri penulis (yang itu) ke Maybank Taman Suria untuk menandatangai surat perjanjian pinjaman kereta Myvi Advance yang baru ditempah kelmarin. Maybank Taman Suria ini hanya menguruskan aktiviti pinjaman kereta sahaja. Bila sudah dipanggil, isteri penulis kena tunggu lah pula lebih 40 minit untuk mereka mencari dokumen tersebut. Aiyah. Ingatkan bila mereka telefon dan suruh datang, kita cuma turunkan tandatangan sahaja. "Isteri wak ni kena bawak surat masuk Islam ya," kata mamat kaunter bank itu pula.

Nota lalat. Untuk baca entri Pengalaman Membeli Kereta Perodua Myvi Advance Baharu, sila senggol di SINI.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Jan 24, 2017


The new word search book as requested.

Kelmarin semasa penulis ke Key Ell, anak lanang bocah cilik penulis itu sudah memesan hendak beli buku mencari perkataan (baca, Word Search). Bila penulis tiba dirumah, ditanya lah lagi akan buku tersebut. Penulis telah terlupa kerana sibuk menguruskan perpindahan rumah di Key Ell dan rasa bersalah pula. "Tular, saper soh banyak2 dirikan umah ditepi pantai," getus hati penulis. Eyh?

Petang tadi selepas turun dari kapal, dan bila pulang ke gagang, penulis berjanji akan membelikan buku Word Search itu di Kompleks Pasir Gudang. Nasib baiklah anak lanang bocah cilik itu tidak meroyan dan meragam dengan kelemahan memori ayahanda mithalinya. OTL.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Title of the word search book: Fantastics Exhilarating Jumbo Word Search (Cari Kata). Jangan cakap wak tak payong. ;p

Dr Martini's safety shoes. The claim buying the shoes has not been reimbursed yet. Updated. The claim is cleared ;p

A view of the Johor Straits from the ship. Next time, I promise myself,  I shall come back to this spot for beautiful sunset.

Masai town view from on top of the helideck.

Jan 23, 2017


The purple mattress full of DNA.

Minggu lepas, penulis telah berjaya memindahkan barang-barang perabot, elektrik, periuk belanga dan tilam yang penuh dengan DNA dari rumah merpati penulis di Bukit Belacan itu. Sewa lori sebanyak rm900 dalam negeri sahaja memanglah agak mahal kalau tidak beserta pekerja.

Dalam perjalanan kesana, penulis dapatlah juga melihat kereta perodua Myvi warna biru hitam yang isteri penulis (yang itu) baru tempah. "Cantik molek juga kete Myvi biru nih," getus hati penulis. Tapi, kalau semua orang hendak yang cantik, yang molek, habis siapa pula yang hendakkan yang tak cantik tak molek tak lawa? OTL.

Pulang dari Kuala Selangor pula, penulis dihadiahkan setandan pisang kepindit atau pisang lemak manis. Teringat pantun hutang emas boleh dibayar lah sangat.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Near Sekinchan on Jalan Kuala Selangor.

Pisang kepindit @lemak manis.

Nota video lalat:

Jan 21, 2017


On Jalan Taman Molek, off Jalan Masai Lama, this noon.

Pagi semalam, isteri penulis (yang itu) telah menghantar teks pesanan ringkas. Tentang arahan untuk permohonan mendapatkan subsidi atas bunga bagi pinjaman perumahan (baca, housing loan interest subsidy) dari pihak syarikatnya. Setiap awal tahun, selama lebih 10 tahun sebelum ini, penulis akan uruskan permohonan di ranting bank Jalan Sultan Ismail KL. Tetapi kali ini penulis terpaksa lakukan di ranting bank Taman Molek pula. Dokumen2 yang diperlukan oleh pihak syarikat ialah penyata akaun pinjaman dan pembayaran balik pinjaman secara terperinci.

"Kanda kena pohon secepat mungkin ya! Segera! Jgn terhegeh2," perintah permaisuri itu. Bila penulis teliti tarikh tutup adalah pada 28 Febuari, maksudnya ada sebulan lebih lagi. Aduhai, siapalah tidak sayang bini. Tapi ada makcik kan. Kannns?

Nota lalat. Mungkin ada yang keliru. "Housing Loan Intereset Subsidy" ialah skim subsidi BR1M yang diperuntukkan oleh syarikat tempat isteri bekerja untuk mengurangkan kadar bunga yang penulis bayar setiap bulan kepada pihak bank. Jadi, penulis kena pohon penyata akaun tahun lepas (2016) sebagai lampiran untuk permohonan kepada syarikat tersebut.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.


  Adakah anda masih mencari rumah idaman anda Berhampir dengan Second Link telah melancarkan projek baharu Lokasi yang sangat Cantik Anda...