Showing posts with label POSTCARDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POSTCARDS. Show all posts

Apr 8, 2018


Perjalanan yg agak jauh harini limpas Sungkai.

Jalan-jalan disekitar pekan koboi Lumut mencari sekeping poskad tempatan. [+ A Postcard I Want ]

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Jun 5, 2017


I ♥ Kluang | Kluang | Johor 2017

Sebenarnya dari minggu lepas isteri penulis (yang itu) menyuruh ke Kampung Tengah Kluang untuk membeli rempeyek Wak Tunot yang sedap itu. Penulis sudah memberitahu bahawa rempeyek Wak Tunot yang sedap itu juga ada dijual di pasaraya Mydin Taman Rinting. Tapi isteri penulis itu sudah guling-guling mahu juga kesana. Weh, siapalah tidak sayang bini, tapi ada makcik kan. Kannns?

Dipendekkan cerita lalat, pagi tadi sudah berlarian kesana dengan cik Jnulekasnova sahaja. Di kedai di kilang kecil wak Tunot itu, penulis belikan beberapa kuih kuih raya. Rempeyek dalam balang disitu dijual agak mahal berbanding di Mydin. Jadi, penulis belikan rempeyek dalam paket sahaja.

Dari kilang perusahaan kecil rumah wak Tunot, penulis berlarian terus ke Seri Medan. Ingatkan hendak mengambil gambiran tasik di Taman Botani yang penulis pernah sampai beberapa tahun dahulu - 2011 [+ Link]. Tapi sungguh penulis tak sangka, buah cempedak nak jadi nangka. Pintu pagar ditutup dan notis memberitahu tidak dibenarkan membawa kereta ke dalam pula. Aiyah. Yo yo wes. Jadi, penulis pun kembali ke gagang dengan kuchiva. Tapi ada mak kisah?

Sebelum pulang kerumah, penulis singgah ke Mydin Taman Rinting membeli rempeyek yang lebih murah dari harga kilangnya sendiri.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

I ♥ Kluang | Kluang | Johor 2017

Posting few postcards at Kluang Post Office | Kluang | Johor 2017

Why Kelana Jaya PJ Post Office only got one mailbox, not like these? | Kluang | Johor 2017

Inside Wak Tunot mini market full of kuih raya | Kampung Tengah | Kluang | Johor 2017

Aiyah! What's wrong with the local authority not allowing us to visit the beautiful lake? | Taman Botani Seri Medan | Johor 2017
Link: Seri Medan Botanic Garden 2011

You are not welcome here!| Taman Botani Seri Medan | Johor 2017
Link: Seri Medan Botanic Garden 2011

A dead cat on the zero milestone | Seri Medan | Batu Pahat | Johor 2017
Link: 2012 | 2008 

Seri Medan Post Office | Seri Medan | Batu Pahat | Johor 2017

Stamps for future international postcards | Seri Medan | Batu Pahat | Johor 2017
Link: A Postcard I Want: I bought a new batch of postcard stamps.

Heading home sweet home and Gunung Pulai | Kulai | Johor 2017
Link: the same view 2008.

Mar 22, 2017


Sila goyangkan inul untuk lihat depan dan belakang poskad. Lokasi: Pejabat Pos Masai.

Tengahari tadi, rakan-rakan sekerja mengajak makan tengahari sambil memajukan perot masing-masing di Asam Pedas Kong Kong dalam kuarters perumahan TNB Pasir Gudang. Sempat lagi penulis berlarian ke pejabat pos Masai untuk mengirim sekeping poskad Tasik Biru kepada rakan blogger di Pulau Pinang. Jangan cakap Wak tak payung ye.

Bila penulis tiba di dewan makan itu, rakan-rakan semuanya sudah tiba dan menunggu makanan sambil bermain telefon bimbit masing-masing.

Nota lalat. Tiadalah gambar makanan di entri kali ini sebab penulis juga sibuk berjalan blog (baca, blogwalking). Lol.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Before the lunch - busy with their own cellphones.

Lepas makan pun sama... OTL

After the lunch - also busy with their cellphones.

Feb 15, 2017


Depan kacang siam, belakang kacang Vietnam. Jangan cakap wak tak payung.

Kelmarin, anak lanang penulis dan isteri barunya telah pergi ke Phuket Siam untuk berbulan madu. Bila balik dibelikan penulis kacang siam.

Pada tarikh yang sama, rakan penulis yang pemandu Uber itu juga ke Hanoi Vietnam bersama bekas rakan2 sekerja bank beliau. Bila balik dibelikan penulis kacang Vietnam.

Tapi sebelum mereka pulang, penulis telah memesan dibelikan poskad Siam dan Vietnam masing-masing. Tapi penulis lebih gumbira kalau mereka dapat mengeposkan poskad-poskad tersebut dari sana disana.

Cerita lalat lain. Ibu jiran penulis, encik Will, yang berusia lebih 90 tahun telah meninggal dunia. Baru saja minggu lepas penulis lihat nyonya itu masih sihat berkebun.

Cerita lain lalat. Tadi pagi penulis berjumpa semula 2 orang rakan penulis yang sama-sama bertugas semasa penulis mula-mula bekerja memotong rumput 16 tahun dahulu di Key Ell. Sekarang giliran mereka pula menjadi suami mingguan (baca, weekend husband).

Cerita lain2 lalat. Ada rakan bertanya macamana penulis membuat efek "mouse hover" sekejap terang sekejap kabur pada gambar2. Bukannya penulis kedekut ilmu sebab ilmu bukan boleh dibawa mati. Dalam blog terdahulu penulis ada tunjukkan tapi tiada seorang pun yang ingin membuatnya. Sedih kan. Boleh sahaja bertanya kepada pakcik gugel di SINI. Tapi kalau ada rakan2 lain yang ingin bertanya, bolehlah emel kepada penulis. Jangan cakap wak tak payung.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Depan poskad Siam, belakang poskad Vietnam.

Feb 11, 2017


Sorry no cure. Ai tio hoot?

Ingatkan panas sampai ke petang, rupa-rupanya tunggu barang dari Gdex tidak sampai-sampai. Ini entri maki hamun.

Kronologi peristiwa malang yang menimpa penulis. Malanglah sangat.

1 Feb (Rabu) - penulis buat pesanan pertama, order no. #361 (poskad) dari Gogoprint.

3 Feb (Jumaat) - Gogoprint membuat penghantaran melalui Aramex. Pakej no. #3211.
3 Feb - penulis buat pesanan kedua, order no. #381.

5 Feb - penulis buat pesanan ketiga, order no. #399.

6 Feb (Isnin) - penulis periksa atas talian, nak menjejak pakej no. #3211, tapi mesej "Attempted Delivery - Business is Permanently closed/Unable to Contact Customer." Aiyah. Penulis tulis surat kuchiva kepada Gogoprint.
6 Feb - Gogoprint membuat penghantaran kedua melalui Aramex. Pakej no. #3340.

8 Feb (Rabu) - penulis terima 2 slip arahan untuk mengambil pakej di Gdex Masai. Esok cuti Thaipusam pula.

9 Feb (Khamis) - cuti Thaipusam.

10 Feb (Jumaat) - seminggu selepas penghantaran dari Gogoprint. Encik Laurent, Pengarah Urusan (Managing Director) dari Gogoprint hantar surat kepada penulis bertanya samada berpuas hati dengan layanan dan perkhidmatan mereka. Penulis balas surat kuchiva dengan memberitahu tentang servis syarikat penghantaran Gdex mereka yang hampeh.
10 Feb - tengahari, penulis tiba di pejabat Gdex Masai dengan membawa 2 slip arahan Gdex. Kerani pompuan periksa dalam sistem, kemudian cari pusing keliling dalam pejabat dan stor tapi tidak jumpa pakej no. #3211 dan #3340. Tanya abam K (bukan nama sebenar). Abam K kata biasa sampai rumah pelanggan, mereka bunyikan hon trak sahaja. Aiyah! Bunyi hon sahaja, kenapa tidak bunyikan loceng rumah? Macamana orang dalam rumah tahu bunyi hon untuk rumah siapa? "Wak, saya pon drebar Gdex gak," katanya lagi dengan kesombongan tahap dewa. Lajiao lah. Penulis sudah tinggi suara. Abam K telefon drebar trak, drebar trak kata sudah serahkan pakej penulis pada mat motor. Abam K cuba telefon mat motor. Sementara itu, penulis tanya kerani pompuan, cik M (bukan nama sebenar), kenapa tidak tekan loceng rumah? Rumah penulis bukanlah rumah flat 24 tingkat ya. "Wak, saya tak tau camana dorg buat keje kat luar sana," kata cik M. Aiyah! Boleh cik M jawab macam itu. Tunggu agak lama jugalah penulis didepan kaunter Gdex disitu. Akhirnya abam K beritahu, "mat motor akan serahkan petang ni ye wak." Habis slip ini untuk apa? "Buang ajelah slip tu wak, silap tu dorang," kata abam K lagi. Senang saja mereka menjawab ya. Pokemak lah. Jadi, penulis pulanglah kerumah dengan kuchiva.

Nota kemaskini lalat. Petang Jumaat, 10 Feb, balik dari memotong rumput, penulis telah terima pakej no. 1 dan no. 2 dengan perasaan yang merundum. Cerita pun tiada guna. Tapi yang pasti penulis memey kuchiva dengan servis Gdex. Mungkin nasib malang sahaja yang menimpa penulis kan. Terimakasih kerana membaca.

Bila penulis menggoogle tadi, terkejutlah juga penulis kerana banyak kes kekuchivaan pengguna Gdex ini rupanya. Penulis ulangi - banyak okeh!

1. Gdex courier service, alahai teruknye.
2. Bad Experience with GDex Courier Service..."Delivery Service YOU TRUST"...
3. Kecewa Dengan Servis GDEX!
4. GD Express Nasib Saya Tak Baik.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Feb 3, 2017


Petang tadi, bila tiba penulis di rumah kelihatan sekelompok surat2 dan poskad2 penulis yang diikat dengan gelang getah telah diletak di celah pintu pagar. Nasib baik jugalah hujan gerimis, bukan hujan banjir yang baru turun. Sebenarnya bukan salah abam posmen tidak meletakkan surat di dalam peti surat di tembok rumah penulis yang ini, tetapi kerana kereta cikBibah pepel penulis masih parkir sejak semalam menghalang diluar pagar.

Pautan lalat tentang poskad untuk hari ini, sila bergolek2 ke SINI.


Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Mouse hover technique.

Jan 30, 2017


CikMaiBee and Gunung Keriang (Mount Keriang) is a 250 million year old lump of mainly limestone rock which is said to be in the shape of an elephant and reaches a height of 218 meters. It is located about 8 km north-west of Alor Setar close to the Kedah Paddy Museum. It is geologically unique and ten different rocks are found here including attractive calcite crystals which are much sought after by collectors and fung-shui believers. 3lalatphotography.

Jam 7.33am, pagi Ahad penulis sudah berlarian ke Jalan Gunung Keriang yang agak jauh dari kota mencari sarapan. Gara-gara mengikut entri blogger pernah mencuba sarapan sedap disini. Penulis tiba di restoran Roti Doll Mee Shiam yang popular itu walaupun indah khabar dari rupa. Rupa-rupanya hanyalah kedai mamak yang biasa-biasa. Layan sahajalah, yang penting isteri penulis tidak meroyan.

Jam 9.30am, sudah mengambil anak lanang di Kolej Mara Kuala Nerang.

Jam 10.40am, tiba dan melawat Muzium Padi. Kedai cenderamata yang baru ditukar pengurusan tidak menjual poskad. "Kami jual kraftangan je wak," kata abam tuan punya kedai itu.

Jam 12.51pm, tiba dan melawat Muzium Negeri. Tiada kedai cenderamata, dan poskad tidak dijual disini.

Jam 1.21pm, tiba di pusat beli belah Aman Central. Makan di restoran Sushi King sudah.

Jam 3.33pm, balik ke hotel bajet (Hijrah), lepak dan istirehat.

Jam 4.14pm, periksa keluar (check out) walaupun penulis bayar sehingga esoknya. Penulis terus ke pekan Kuala Nerang untuk menghantar anak lanang bergunting di belakang restoran KFC.

Jam 6.06pm, dari asrama kolej Kuala Nerang, penulis terus berlarian ke Lapangan Terbang Kepala Batas. Nasib baiklah juga ada kedi cenderahati disitu dan ada menjual poskad. Tapi bukanlah poskad negeri Kedah seperti yang penulis cari. "Lima keping empat hinggit wak," kata ahkak kaunter. Penulis beli 25 keping sudah.

Kemudian penulis terus pulang ke Bangi dimalam hari yang sibuk di lebuhraya.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

Sitting on the revolving platform. The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

Sengkuang calit, Muzium Padi food court.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

The Kedah Paddy Museum is is dedicated to the rice plant, paddy, the world's most important crop. The word "paddy" is derived from the Malay word padi meaning rice plant. The Paddy Museum is big, with an area of 12,000 square meters spread over three floors.The architecture of the building is designed to symbolize bushels of harvested rice stalks. Rice motifs decorate the external facade and are used on railings in the interior.

Paddy harvester machine, Jalan Kampung Hutan near Gunung Kerian.

Muzium Negeri Kedah.

Muzium Negeri Kedah.

Muzium Negeri Kedah.

Muzium Negeri Kedah.

Salmon steak set. Diambil dengan iPhone cap aiYam. Sushi King, Aman Central Shopping plaza.

Finally, I got the postcards from the Kedah airport, but no Kedah based though. Also known as the Alor Setar Airport, the Sultan Abdul Halim Airport serves Kedah and neighbouring states.

The postcards belong not to Kedah. Also known as the Alor Setar Airport, the Sultan Abdul Halim Airport serves Kedah and neighbouring states.

Jan 21, 2016


"No Showing," Woodlands Old town.

KELMARIN penulis telah berlarian ke seberang tambak semata-mata hendak menyertai perjumpaan penggemar hobi mengumpul poskad. Perjumpaan yang biasa dan selamba sahaja.

Link: the 5th Singapore Postcrossing Meetup

Program itinerari:
2.00 petang - masuk muzium, susun kerusi meja, tandatangan (bawa SGD5), pungut kad perjumpaan, potong dan lekat pelekat (bawa gunting)
2.30 petang - mula menandatangan poskad (bawa pen, klip besar/gelang getah besar bersama nama)
3.50 petang - gambar beramai
4.00 petang - bersurai!

Ini adalah perjumpaan pertama penulis dengan rakan-rakan penggemar poskad. Penulis agak terkilan dan rasa janggal pada mulanya kerana tidak disambut sebagai orangluar kerana mungkin mereka berfikiran terbuka dan menganggap penulis sebagai rakan-rakan senegara mereka juga. Juga penulis berpendapat perjumpaan yang hambar selain sibuk menandatangan beratus-ratus keping poskad, kami juga tidak diperkenalkan diri masing-masing.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Arriving Fort Canning Road with heavy rain.

Singapore Philatelic Museum

Inside Singapore Philatelic Museum.

Philately is... , Singapore Philatelic Museum

Singapore mapcard, the 5th Postcrossing Meetup.
Singapore Slang, a Singapore experience, the 5th Postcrossing Meetup.

Greetings From... Singapore, the 5th Postcrossing Meetup.

Sybones, the Singapore postcrossing administrator.

Laksa Singapore menu on the table, the 5th Postcrossing Meetup
At the Peranakan Museum:
The exhibitions. The Peranakan Museum is a museum in Singapore specialising in Peranakan culture. it is the first of its kind in the world, that explores Peranakan cultures in Singapore and other former Straits Settlements in Malacca and Penang. It is housed in the Old Tao Nan School building at Armenian Street.

The Singer Sewing machine. The Peranakan Museum is a museum in Singapore specialising in Peranakan culture. it is the first of its kind in the world, that explores Peranakan cultures in Singapore and other former Straits Settlements in Malacca and Penang. It is housed in the Old Tao Nan School building at Armenian Street.

The wedding headgear. The Peranakan Museum is a museum in Singapore specialising in Peranakan culture. it is the first of its kind in the world, that explores Peranakan cultures in Singapore and other former Straits Settlements in Malacca and Penang. It is housed in the Old Tao Nan School building at Armenian Street.

The kitchen. The Peranakan Museum is a museum in Singapore specialising in Peranakan culture. it is the first of its kind in the world, that explores Peranakan cultures in Singapore and other former Straits Settlements in Malacca and Penang. It is housed in the Old Tao Nan School building at Armenian Street.

The teapot. The Peranakan Museum is a museum in Singapore specialising in Peranakan culture. it is the first of its kind in the world, that explores Peranakan cultures in Singapore and other former Straits Settlements in Malacca and Penang. It is housed in the Old Tao Nan School building at Armenian Street.

Tunku Abdul Rahman painting by Low Kway Song. The Peranakan Museum is a museum in Singapore specialising in Peranakan culture. it is the first of its kind in the world, that explores Peranakan cultures in Singapore and other former Straits Settlements in Malacca and Penang. It is housed in the Old Tao Nan School building at Armenian Street.

Pantun Dondang Sayang Baba Peranakan. The Peranakan Museum is a museum in Singapore specialising in Peranakan culture. it is the first of its kind in the world, that explores Peranakan cultures in Singapore and other former Straits Settlements in Malacca and Penang. It is housed in the Old Tao Nan School building at Armenian Street.


  Khamis, 30 Januari 2025. Cuti hari Imlek yg kedua 2025.