Oct 12, 2021


The Miraculous Journey (2005 to 2013) is a series of 14 bronze sculptures by the artist Damien Hirst. The sculptures are situated outside the Sidra Medicine in Doha, Qatar. @2021

Doha, Qatar.

Petang usai solat asar, penulis pun berlarian ke hospital Perubatan Sidra.
Hospital ibu dan anak.

Sebab semalam, semasa bermain tiktok.
Mata penulis tertancap pada satu karya yg menunjukkan arca yg unik.
Dari persenyawaan hinggalah menjadi janin dan seterusnya menjadi bayi.

Yg taksubnya, arca2 itu terdapat di Doha, Qatar!
Qatar kan negara Islam?
Setahu penulis, mana boleh tunjukkan patung2 telanjang sebegitu.

Tapi haruslah juga bersikap husnuzon.
Mestilah mereka mempunyai ahli majlis fatwa yg berkaliber.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

The Miraculous Journey (2005 to 2013) is a series of 14 bronze sculptures by the artist Damien Hirst. The sculptures are situated outside the Sidra Medicine in Doha, Qatar. @2021
The Miraculous Journey (2005 to 2013) is a series of 14 bronze sculptures by the artist Damien Hirst. The sculptures are situated outside the Sidra Medicine in Doha, Qatar. @2021
The Miraculous Journey (2005 to 2013) is a series of 14 bronze sculptures by the artist Damien Hirst. The sculptures are situated outside the Sidra Medicine in Doha, Qatar. @2021
The Miraculous Journey (2005 to 2013) is a series of 14 bronze sculptures by the artist Damien Hirst. The sculptures are situated outside the Sidra Medicine in Doha, Qatar. @2021
The Miraculous Journey (2005 to 2013) is a series of 14 bronze sculptures by the artist Damien Hirst. The sculptures are situated outside the Sidra Medicine in Doha, Qatar. @2021

Nota lalat. Mula2 bila nmpk dlm google maps, wak rasa tempat ni jauhlah sangat dari ibukota. Tapi bila ternampak dekat je dgn stesen metro tu terus wak terjah. Dari DECC metro station line merah, wak turun di al-Bidda utk transfer dan amek line hijau terus ke Qatar National Library station. Tapi hospital itu kan seberang jalanraya yg sibuk. Bagus juga ada terowong pejalan kaki bawah tanah. Tidaklah jauh sangat patung2 sculpture "The Miraculous Journey" itu sebab dah boleh kelihatan dari seberang jalan tadi. Ada 14 patung arca semuanya. Wak pun amek 2 3 gambar sudah dan 1 video untuk  tiktok. Terus balik guna metro line yg sama dan turun di DECC. Ooh. Dalam tren tadi, ada polis tegur sebab wak dok dalam gerabak family. "Do you have family?" tanya polis itu. Wak kata sorry dan pindah gerabak belakang. Baru je duduk beberapa detik, datang pula abam inspector tiket. |  Sebelum balik ke apartment, wak singgah di Carrefour beli buah2an limau dan epal dan beberapa jajan biskut untuk kunyahan dalam bilik nanti.

The Miraculous Journey (2005 to 2013) is a series of 14 bronze sculptures by the artist Damien Hirst. The sculptures are situated outside the Sidra Medicine in Doha, Qatar. @2021
Miscellaneous photos from today's walk @2021
The Smoke by Tony Smith in DECC @2021
Video tiktok lalat.

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