Oct 18, 2021


Katara Cultural Village @2021

Doha, Qatar. 

Pagi2 tadi penulis pun berlarian ke Katara Cultural Village.

Naik tram metro dari stesen DECC ke stesen Katara.
Langkau satu stesen sahaja.

Tapi tram bermula pada jam 6 pagi.
Penulis berjalan2 dahulu diluar stesen.

Tepat jam 6 pagi, penulis pun masuk stesen.
Tapi disebabkan stesen DECC dipertengahan perjalanan tren.
Jadi tram hanya sampai jam 6.24 pagi sahaja.

Tidak mengapa lambat sedikit.
Asalkan bukan pagi jumaat yg tiada perkhidmatan tren.

Bila sampai di perkampungan Katara ini.
Langit agak berkabus.
Matahari pun suram.

Penulis pusing2 sahaja di perkampungan itu.
Ambil gambar di Pigeon Towers.
Dan juga di amphitheater.

Tidak sampai sejam pun disitu.
Penulis pun balik ke gagang.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Katara Cultural Village @2021
Katara Cultural Village @2021
Pigeon towers, Katara Cultural Village @2021
Katara Cultural Village @2021
Pigeon towers, Katara Cultural Village @2021
Pigeon towers, Katara Cultural Village @2021
Pigeon towers, Cultural Village @2021
Katara Cultural Village @2021

Note. Located in the midst of Katara, Doha’s bustling cultural village, Gandhi’s Three Monkeys by Subodh Gupta captures attention. Tackling the challenging themes of war and peace, the three-part sculpture consists of three heads – one in a gas mask, one a soldier and the other in a terrorist hood. Each piece is composed of cooking instruments, used pails, traditional Indian lunch boxes and glass bowls. Together, they recall Gandhi's famous visual metaphor – the three wise monkeys that represent the 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' proverb.

Ghandi's Three Monkeys, Katara Cultural Village @2021
Ghandi's Three Monkeys, Katara Cultural Village @2021
The amphitheater, Katara Cultural Village @2021
The giant gift box, Katara Cultural Village @2021
Doha city @2021

Nota lalat. Petang tadi wak pergi ke City Center mall itu. Wak ada 2 tujuan. Yg pertama, nak makan set nasi kuning, ayam goreng pedas mekdi. Sebab semalam wak ternampak master Lim order set itu di Villagio mall dgn harga 9 riyal  saja. Walaweh. Wak ingatkan harga makanan di mekdi semua dekat 20 riyal. Tujuan yg kedua, wak nak topup simcard Ooredoo (sebutan "urdu") sbb mmg  takde balance lagi. Senang saja nak topup kat mesin Ooredoo. Jadi, wak topup 10 riyal saja. Sebab takut juga kalo takde balance dlm simcard akan di terminate bila2 masa. Ooh ya tadi rakan sekerja wak dari KL sampai. AWI dok satu apartment dgn master Lim. Dan master Lim semalam berkata dia  nak kena tukar hotel Dusit utk quarantine sblm gi offshore.

Yellow rice, and crispy spicy fried  chicken at McD City Center mall @2021

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