Showing posts with label YELLOW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YELLOW. Show all posts

May 31, 2015


Copthorne Hotel. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

INI cerita lama. Oleh kerana kebosanan tahap sederhana penulis telah membawa diri berlarian ke Cameron Highlands, semata-mata hingin menangkap gambiran bunga-bungaan saja.

Nota lalat. Ini adalah entri entri penulis yang ke 151 (baca: sehatus lima poh satu saja) dan harini kita berada di hari ke 151 di tahun 2015. Dan ini adalah entri terakhir penulis untuk bulan ini. Jumpa kawan-kawan dibulan hadapan ya. Amin ya robbal alamin.

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A Land Rover for highlanders. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

Complaya trilobata, Creeping Yellow Daisy. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

Cleome Hassleriana, or more commonly know as Pink Queen (spiny spider flower), is a forb/herb subshrub of the genus Cleome. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

Bunga kamunting cina atau tapak dara ? The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

Pick your own strawberries. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

Type of heliconia species. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

Helianthus annuus, Common Sunflower, Bunga Matahari. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

Solanum lycopersicum, tomato sliced in Tomyam Campur for Homosapien food. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

May 16, 2015


SUDAH berminggu-minggu isteri penulis (yang itu) membebel tentang tayar cikBibah Pepel yang selalu penyet. Anak lanang penulis pun sudah selalu mengisi angin di stesen minyak depan rumah, tapi isteri penulis (yang itu) masih tidak berpuas hati. Tiba-tiba penulis hendak tulis tajuk entri seperti 'ramai wanita tidak puas' supaya lebih banyak trafik. Kehh.

Jadi kelmarin, penulis sudah membawa cikBibah Pepel itu pergi ke kedai tayar depan rumah juga. Bila diperiksa, dua daripada tayarnya sudah kembong dan akan meletop pada bila-bila masa. Dan tayar satu lagi pun sudah kehausan bunganya. Jadi, dipendekkan cerita, penulis telah menggantikan keempat-empat tayar cikBibah Pepel dengan jenama Falcon saja. Bukan setakat itu, pelurusan (baca: balancing & alignment) dan keempat-empat injap tayar juga sudah diganti baru. Weh, siapalah tidak sayang bini, tapi ada mak kan, kanns ;p

Dan terlanjur di kedai tayar itu, mata penulis tertancap pada kereta myvi baru berwarna kuning yang menggunakan nombor pendaftaran AAP 4 - 'apa apa pun boleh', pernah taukeh kedai tayar itu menawarkannya kepada penulis. Penulis kata padanya, 'apa apa pun mati'. Selepas kereta Wira, taukeh sudah menukarkan kepada motorsikal, dan sekarang kereta myvi pula. Tiba-tiba teringat kereta proton satria neo Sultan yang menggunakan nombor pendaftaran Wilayah Persekutuan 'WWW 1' yang berharga setengah juta hinggit.

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May 11, 2015


SELAMAT pagi isnin kawan-kawan penulis semualah.

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Apr 25, 2015


KELMARIN penulis telah bekejaran ke Yishun, hajat utama adalah untuk berziarah ke masjid Darul Makmur saja.

Tiadalah cerita menarik untuk diceritakan. Cuma, ada beberapa drama kecil berlaku. Pada satu ketika ada dua orang pakcik warga emas Singapura yang sama beratur untuk menaiki bas. Seorang yang agak lebih tua dan uzur telah terjatuh tongkatnya. Belum sempat penulis mengambil tongkatnya, beliau telah mengangkat tongkat tersebut terlebih dahulu dengan segera. Tetapi ketika itu, telefon bimbit beliau yang terjatuh dan berterabur baterinya dan penulis sempat mengambil telefon tersebut, memasang baterinya kembali dan memulangkan kepada beliau.

Pengalaman pertama penulis menaiki bas SBS 160 dari Woodlands Checkpoint dan turun di Kranji MRT. Selepas itu, menaiki MRT hingga ke Yishun MRT. Berjalan kaki sejauh 800 meter ke masjid Darul Makmur, sempat solat tahyatul masjid, dan kembali menaiki MRT pulang ke Woodlands MRT. Dari Woodlands MRT penulis menaiki bas SBS 950 (pertama kali juga) untuk ke Woodlands Old Town.

Dan ketika dalam perjalan pulang itu dimana penulis tiada wang kecil ketika menaiki bas 'ting-ting' dan ada pasangan Singapura yg membantu membayar tiket bas dan pemandu bas yang prihatin dan baik hati juga. Pasangan tersebut yang hendak ke JB hanya untuk membeli pakaian yang sedang ditempah. Dan ketika beratur untuk menaiki bas kuning CWL pula, penulis masih tiada duit kecil, dan tiba-tiba ada seorang uncle tionghua memberikan tiket bas untuk ke Larkin kerana beliau menaiki bas SBS 170. Alhamdulillah syukur dengan nikmat.

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  Khamis, 30 Januari 2025. Cuti hari Imlek yg kedua 2025.