Showing posts with label PINKS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PINKS. Show all posts

Jan 19, 2016


KELMARIN lapar tahap sederhana ketika bertugas memotong rumput, penulis pun berlarian ke kedai mudah dan senang tujuh sebelas (baca: 7-eleven) itu untuk membeli jajan dan air minuman jus oren. Bila penulis usai membeli biskut itu dan mula menjamahnya ketika sedang memotong rumput barulah penulis perasan bahawa biskut itu bukan jenama Oreo yang terkenal yang selalu penulis beli. Tapi rasa kedua-duanya (Oreo dan Creamo) itu pun lebih kurang sama manisnya potong kaki.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Oct 20, 2015


KELMARIN penulis telah berjumpa dengan doktor pakar sakit kulit (baca: dermatologist). Mungkin ada alahan ubat demam yang penulis ambil kelmarin.

Gambar diatas semasa penulis berjalan keluar dari hospital itu, bukannya sebab penulis sudah tumbuh tetek ya. [ Link: #PinkMove to spread breast cancer awareness.]

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

May 31, 2015


Copthorne Hotel. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

INI cerita lama. Oleh kerana kebosanan tahap sederhana penulis telah membawa diri berlarian ke Cameron Highlands, semata-mata hingin menangkap gambiran bunga-bungaan saja.

Nota lalat. Ini adalah entri entri penulis yang ke 151 (baca: sehatus lima poh satu saja) dan harini kita berada di hari ke 151 di tahun 2015. Dan ini adalah entri terakhir penulis untuk bulan ini. Jumpa kawan-kawan dibulan hadapan ya. Amin ya robbal alamin.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

A Land Rover for highlanders. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

Complaya trilobata, Creeping Yellow Daisy. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

Cleome Hassleriana, or more commonly know as Pink Queen (spiny spider flower), is a forb/herb subshrub of the genus Cleome. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

Bunga kamunting cina atau tapak dara ? The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

Pick your own strawberries. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

Type of heliconia species. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

Helianthus annuus, Common Sunflower, Bunga Matahari. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

Solanum lycopersicum, tomato sliced in Tomyam Campur for Homosapien food. The Cameron Highlands (Malay: "Tanah Tinggi Cameron") is one of Malaysia’s most extensive hill stations. Discovered by Sir William Cameron in 1885, and developed in the 1930s, the tableland is one of the oldest tourist spots in Malaysia. Apart from its tea estates, the plateau is also noted for its cool weather, orchards, nurseries, farmlands, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, wildlife, mossy forest, golf course, hotels, places of worship, bungalows, Land Rovers, museum and its aborigines (Orang Asli). The Cameron Highlands can be accessed by road via Tapah, Simpang Pulai, Gua Musang or Sungai Koyan.

Apr 16, 2015


'Pink Flag'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

KELMARIN setelah 3 minggu, penulis sempat lagi berjalan-jalan ke seberang tambak alone matcham biasa. Pertama kalinya penulis memarkirkan cikPuan Jnulekasnova di pusat beli belah City Square (RM11) dan berjalan kaki ke KIK Bukit Cagar sebelum menaiki bas Causeway Link ke CIQ Woodlands dan seterusnya ke Newton (RM3.40). Dari Newton penulis menaiki keretapi MRT ke Marina Bay sebelum ke Bayfront (SGD1.90). Dari Bayfront penulis berjalan kaki pula ke Flower Dome untuk melihat pameran bunga-bunga Tulip yang terletak di Gardens by the Bay (SGD16). Hari pun sudah lewat petang.

Links to Tulipmania Floral Display from 20 Mar - 10 May 2015.

Pulang dari Gardens by the Bay, penulis menaiki MRT dari Bay Front, transit di Marina Bay seterusnya menaiki MRT (North South Line), limpas Yishun dan turun di stesen MRT Woodlands (USDSGD2.60). Dari stesen, penulis terpaksa berjalan kaki sejauh 2.7km selama 33minit. Sepatutnya penulis turun di stesen Marsiling, yang lebih dekat iaitu 1.4km ke Woodlands Checkpoint.

Banyak yang penulis belajar selain jari manis kaki yang melecet kerana berjalan jauh. Dan lawatan kali ini, penulis telah mencapai hajat tujuan ke pulau temasek ini, iaitu:

1. Membeli suratkhabar Berita Harian - done
2. Ehem, ehem (ikut gaya Ibrahim Pendek) - done
3. Mengambil gambar bunga-bunga tulip - done

Nota lalat. Penulis meletakkan harga untuk rujukan semata-mata.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'La Famille De Voyageur', sculpture in bronze (2014) by Bruno Catalano. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'A young man and flowers'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'Yellow Flight'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'Grand Perfection'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'Red Princess'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'Purple Prince'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'Someone else's daughter'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'Foxtrot'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

#GBWishATrip. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'We are not in Holland'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'Me and yellow tulips'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.


  Khamis, 30 Januari 2025. Cuti hari Imlek yg kedua 2025.