Showing posts with label FLOWERS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FLOWERS. Show all posts

Dec 21, 2015


PAGI kelmarin tiba-tiba ada latihan kebakaran (baca: firedrill) di tempat penulis memotong rumput ini. Berteraburanlah penulis berlarian 13 tingkat yang mengakibatkan longgar lutut atas dan bawah.

Tiba di tempat perkumpulan, ternampaklah penulis akan tumbuhan bunga ini yang dipanggil 'berus doktor' (baca: Doctor Brush, Ceylon or Wild leadwort), atau nama saintifiknya 'Plumbago zeylanica'. Orang kampung penulis panggil 'Godong Encok' atau 'Daun Encok'.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Dec 13, 2015


SEPERTI yang penulis jangka, makanya selepas 3 minggu penulis berlarian lagi ke kedai hiasan dalaman untuk melihat bunga matahari yang sedang mekar berkembang. Sila jolok untuk entri bulan lepas di SINI.

Dan lihatlah perbezaan saiz bunga matahari dengan anak lanak bocah cilik penulis dibawah ini.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Nov 27, 2015


Daily Photo Challenge: 4 Photos 4 Posts for 1 Month
Days left: 3/30
Post of the Day: 4/4

Malam ini jumaat malam. Penulis hendak berpantunlah satu rangkap.

Bunga melati indah bertaut,
Sundal malam harum menyengat;
Benarkah hati sudah terpaut,
Siang malam nama teringat.

Pokok bunga sundal malam yang penulis beli bulan lepas masih belum kembang bunganya. Tapi mula mengeluarkan bau yang harum. Tidak sekuat bau minyak dari jiran India dibawah rumah merpati penulis yang ini.

Nota lalat. Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam ialah sebuah filem arahan Shuhaimi Baba. Pelakon utama filem ini, Maya Karin memegang dua watak dalam filem ini iaitu Maria dan Meriam.

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Nov 19, 2015


Daily Photo Challenge: 4 Photos 4 Posts for 1 Month
Day: 19/30
Post of the Day: 1/4

MASA dalam perjalanan pulang dari pejabat peguam rumah di Menara Pelangi, penulis sempat lagi berhenti di kedai hiasan dalaman yang ada pokok bunga matahari diluar kedainya. Lagi 2 3 minggu bunga matahari akan berkembang dengan cantiknya. Dan ramailah nanti kumbang-kumbang Bangla akan berkerumun disini merakamkan gambiran selfie.

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Nov 16, 2015


Tesco Seri Alam

Daily Photo Challenge: 4 Photos 4 Posts for 1 Month
Day: 16/30
Post of the Day: 4/4

AKTIVITAS biasa dihujung minggu ialah membeli barangan dapur di Tesco bersama anak lanang dan emak anak lanang. Hari Sabtu juga adalah hari tanpa beg plastik sedunia.

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Zinnia flowers


Red chillies

Green chillies

Saba Mackerel

Nov 12, 2015


Captain America hiding behind the green leave.

Daily Photo Challenge: 4 Photos 4 Posts for 1 Month
Day: 12/30
Post of the Day: 4/4

AKHIRNYA berjaya juga penulis membawa pulang dari kedai bunga Sungai Buloh pokok sundal malam (Polianthes tuberosa, The Pearl, Double Pearl, Tuberose, Setiap Malam) yang sudah mula berputik bunganya itu. Sambil itu juga penulis membeli bunga raya, bunga ungu bluewigs (Torenia fournieri) dan bunga matahari.

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A sunflower (helianthus) and a purple Torenia fournieri.

A white Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and a sundal malam (Polianthes tuberosa, Mistress of the Night).


Daily Photo Challenge: 4 Photos 4 Posts for 1 Month
Day: 12/30
Post of the Day: 3/4

POKOK bunga kaktus di kebun bunga Sungai Buloh ini sekadar dirakam dari lensa kamera penulis sahaja.

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Daily Photo Challenge: 4 Photos 4 Posts for 1 Month
Day: 12/30
Post of the Day: 2/4

SEBENARNYA banyak lagi kedai-kedai menjual bunga-bungaan yang bersusun didalam kebun bunga di Sungai Buloh itu, tapi penulis hanya larat singgah beberapa kedai sahaja. Lagipun matahari sudah semakin tinggi dan cuaca bertambah panas.

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I never tired looking at this bamboo orchid (arundina graminifolia)

Daily Photo Challenge: 4 Photos 4 Posts for 1 Month
Day: 12/30
Post of the Day: 1/4

HARI Deepavali kelmarin, pagi-pagi lagi penulis sudah berlarian ke kebun bunga di Sungai Buloh. Tujuan utama ialah menangkap gambiran bunga-bungaan dan juga mencari pokok sundal malam yang sudah berbunga.

Nota lalat. Link to 2012 visit - Menyundal bersama gadisbunga.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

various orchids


Jun 6, 2015


MALAM kelmarin penulis telah berlarian ke Putrajaya untuk mengambil gambiran bunga-bungaan di Pesta Floria 2015. Mula-mulanya penulis menyangka pesta berada di Presint 2, tetapi telah ditukar ke penempatan baru di Presint 4 berdekatan Jambatan Tak Siap. Tempat meletak kereta pula amatlah daif dengan kebecakan tanah merah selepas hujan.

Tapi penulis berasalah sedikit kekecewaan kerana tiada aktiviti bungapi dilakukan pada malam tersebut.

Nota lalat. Pasal tajuk ialah dari lirik lagu Iban 'Anak Dara Ibu' nyanyian Ricky El. Dan 'amat bajik' bermaksud 'sangat cantik (gadis)' atau 'very pretty/beautiful (for women)'.

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May 11, 2015


SELAMAT pagi isnin kawan-kawan penulis semualah.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Apr 16, 2015


'Pink Flag'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

KELMARIN setelah 3 minggu, penulis sempat lagi berjalan-jalan ke seberang tambak alone matcham biasa. Pertama kalinya penulis memarkirkan cikPuan Jnulekasnova di pusat beli belah City Square (RM11) dan berjalan kaki ke KIK Bukit Cagar sebelum menaiki bas Causeway Link ke CIQ Woodlands dan seterusnya ke Newton (RM3.40). Dari Newton penulis menaiki keretapi MRT ke Marina Bay sebelum ke Bayfront (SGD1.90). Dari Bayfront penulis berjalan kaki pula ke Flower Dome untuk melihat pameran bunga-bunga Tulip yang terletak di Gardens by the Bay (SGD16). Hari pun sudah lewat petang.

Links to Tulipmania Floral Display from 20 Mar - 10 May 2015.

Pulang dari Gardens by the Bay, penulis menaiki MRT dari Bay Front, transit di Marina Bay seterusnya menaiki MRT (North South Line), limpas Yishun dan turun di stesen MRT Woodlands (USDSGD2.60). Dari stesen, penulis terpaksa berjalan kaki sejauh 2.7km selama 33minit. Sepatutnya penulis turun di stesen Marsiling, yang lebih dekat iaitu 1.4km ke Woodlands Checkpoint.

Banyak yang penulis belajar selain jari manis kaki yang melecet kerana berjalan jauh. Dan lawatan kali ini, penulis telah mencapai hajat tujuan ke pulau temasek ini, iaitu:

1. Membeli suratkhabar Berita Harian - done
2. Ehem, ehem (ikut gaya Ibrahim Pendek) - done
3. Mengambil gambar bunga-bunga tulip - done

Nota lalat. Penulis meletakkan harga untuk rujukan semata-mata.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'La Famille De Voyageur', sculpture in bronze (2014) by Bruno Catalano. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'A young man and flowers'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'Yellow Flight'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'Grand Perfection'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'Red Princess'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'Purple Prince'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'Someone else's daughter'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'Foxtrot'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

#GBWishATrip. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'We are not in Holland'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.

'Me and yellow tulips'. The highly anticipated, annual Tulipmania display returns to Gardens by the Bay in March until May 2015 - this time amidst a colourful setting of magical fairy tales. In this third edition, visitors can look forward to an even wider selection of tulips at Tulipmania - over 40 varieties in a myriad of hues and forms! Look out for captivating blooms like the scarlet "Red Riding Hood", the “Purple Prince”, and the “Orange Princess” as they grace familiar fairy tale settings like Cinderella‘s carriage, Rapunzel’s tower, and the ginger bread house of Hansel and Gretel.


  Khamis, 30 Januari 2025. Cuti hari Imlek yg kedua 2025.